How do you get the golden king pig egg?.Where are the golden eggs in Angry Birds Seasons?.What levels in Angry Birds have golden eggs?.Rio Level ME-14 - Blossom River (15 times)Īdditionaly, the player is awarded with Space Egg levels if he/she completes an episode with 3 stars on 10 levels in a theme.Rio Level ME-13 - Blossom River (7 times).Rio Level ME-10 - Rocket Rumble (15 times).Rio Level ME-9 - Rocket Rumble (7 times).Some bonus levels can be unlocked via getting a specific number of stars.Īdditionaly, the player is awarded with Mighty Eaglelevels if he/she completes an episode with the Mighty Eagle on 100% on only 10 levels in a theme (exept Rocket Rumble).

The last 6 levels are the "golden eggs" of their theme.The first 6 levels are available if you complete their theme.

3 bonus stars levels in a theme.Īdditionaly, in season 3, the player is awarded with Mighty Eaglelevels if he/she completes an episode with the Mighty Eagle on 100% on only 10 levels in a theme.

This unlocks the Golden King Pig or the King Pig Toy.

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