Key Differences of PostgreSQL JSON vs JSONNB The input function of jsonb is stricter than the JSON as it does not allow the unicode escapes for non-ASCII characters if the database encoding of UTF8 is not set. Unicode escapes are allowed in the JSON input function regardless of the data encoding. In case of a duplicate, only the last key/value pair is preserved. Jsonb does not preserve duplicate object keys. In JSON, if there exists more than one key for the given value, all the key/value pairs are preserved. Jsonb supports indexing to search for the keys or key/ value pairs which is a great advantage at a bigger database jsonb documents. JSON does not support indexing, unlike jsonb. In the case of jsonb, it is comparatively faster to process the data as no reparsing is needed. Processing function needs to be reparsed in each execution when the input text is in JSON data type.

More disk space is required for jsonb data as compared to JSON data type. JSON data does not take much disk space as the JSON data is stored as it is.

Schema designs are comparatively easier than Json as it replaces the entity- attribute value with jsonb blob columns which are easier to query. All the entities, attributes, values remain the same. There is no change in the Schema design while working with JSON. Jsonb converts the JSON data into the binary form so it has slightly slower input due to the binary conversion overhead. Json processes input faster than jsonb as there is no conversion involved in this.

Jsonb does not preserve the original formatting of text like the whitespaces and the ordering of keys. Json preserves the original formatting like the whitespaces as well as the ordering of keys. Basically, it stores the data in binary form which is not an ASCII/ UTF-8 string. JSON data type stores the exact copy of input text in JSON. Hadoop, Data Science, Statistics & others Head to Head Comparison Between PostgreSQL JSON vs JSONNB (Infographics)īelow are the top 9 differences between PostgreSQL JSON vs JSONNB:Ĭomparison Table of PostgreSQL JSON vs JSONNBīelow given is the comparison table showing the head to head comparison between JSON and jsonb in PostgreSQL: