What practice exam you take isn’t the only factor to think about. If you want to do them, go ahead.īut, if you’re short on time, do the Blueprint practice tests after you finish with the AAMC practice materials. In reality, you likely won’t need all ten full-length practice tests. You’ll be more prepared for the MCAT if you can do the harder questions on the practice exams. Usually, students’ score on the Blueprint is five to seven points lower than their actual MCAT score. The color scheme, highlighting, and strikeout functionality match the AMMC interface.Īpart from the CARS section, one important part where the Blueprint differs from the AAMC practice tests is the difficulty level and the MCAT scores.īlueprint practice exams are harder than the AAMC MCAT prep.

The Blueprint practice test follows the time limits and formats of the official test.Chemistry and physics sections are representative of the actual full-length exams, but the CARS section is different and not predictive.The wording, content, and figures on the Blueprint are similar to AAMC practice tests.The Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems Section (CP) and the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems (BB) are fairly similar to the actual test.